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Hidden Strengths Support Ministry, Inc.
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Ministry Beliefs
The People We Serve
Other Services Offered
About Us
Ministry Leadership
St John 316
Give Me Strength
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About Us 

In 1998, the founder of the ministry Pastor Donna R. Williams heard the voice of God breath the words Hidden Strength.  As a result of this encounter Pastor Williams added the "s" to the word "Strength" in recognition of God's presence during the formation of the ministry.  However, it was not until the fall of 2000 that the ministry was actually birthed and developed. As a result, on March 17, 2001, the ministry was officially organized and announced to the community with a service and open house at its present location; S. G. Spottswood AME Zion Church.

In a vision, the Holy Spirit gave Pastor Williams the location in which the ministry would take up residence. In the vision, she observed vividly the church, the church's front lawn and the Pastor (standing on the church's lawn). In the meantime, Reverend Kathi Brown, then Pastor of S.G. Spottswood AME Zion Church was also hearing from the Holy Spirit in regard to the need for a single parent ministry. Pastor Williams contacted Pastor Brown, and both confirmed that the Holy Spirit was indeed involved in this new union of Hidden Strengths and Spottswood AME Zion Church.

As result, a meeting was called and those in attendance were Pastor Kathi Brown, Deaconess Jewel Hart and Missionary Shirley Scott-Davis and its founder. The group met for about two and half-hours and through mutual agreement, consideration, and prayer the ministry was accepted. In addition to its founding members, God has sent additional covering to aid the ministry in the vineyard to include Rev. Quintin Borders, Rev. Brandon Pennix, Rev. Paul D. Hoggard, and Prophet & Evangelist Howard.

In 2015, the ministry evolved from just meeting the needs of the single parent to now holding weekly Sunday School and Morning services.

To God be the Glory!

During our numerous years of service the ministry has ministered to and interacted with single parents, single men (without children), seniors and women in general through monthly ministry sessions, outreach, prayer and individualized attention.  As a result, we have witnessed individuals emotionally and spiritually grow and their burdens made lighter through Jesus Christ. We have seen strengths that were hidden come to the light and empower those seeking (1) not to repeat past behavior; (2) navigate though this life; and  (3) a relationship with Jesus Christ.


In our monthly ministry sessions, although not exhaustive have included the following: 

    • Be Yourself-Everyone Else is Taken
    • Be Yourself-There is No One Else to Take Your Place
    • Being in Prison and Liking It
    • Choosing Single Parenthood
    • Don't Give Up
    • Effective Prayer
    • Encourage Yourself in the Lord
    • Get Right our Get Left
    • Keep Your Dreams, Purpose and Destiny Within Arms Length
    • Let Your Light Shine
    • Pampering: Physically and Spiritually
    • Pressing Pass the Pain
    • Purpose Driven Life
    • Saved the Pregnant Again Part I
    • Saved and Pregnant Again Part II (the healing)
    • Trust God on Purpose (one year study during 2009)
    • Views of the World and the Church; its Affects on Single Parents
    • Wait Training (1/2 day Abstinence work shop) 
    • What Do You Do When All Hell Breaks Loose?

And the ministry topics go on and on.


We have also tackled serious issues that affect our community by inviting health professionals and practitioners to speak to our ministry regarding such issues as Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD), Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer and Children with Type II Diabetes.


In addition, Hidden Strengths has counseled individuals regarding financial matters to include tithing and budgeting. Also, during the summer of 2004 the ministry realized a serious need to begin a voter registration drive.


Finally, Hidden Strengths efforts have been featured in the Prince George's County weekly newspaper The Gazette, two broadcasts of the community awareness program WUZZ UP, Comcast Channel 76 and also on the Christian news and information show THE GATHERING PLACE, Comcast Channel 99 (Anne Arundel County) and Verizon Fios Channel 39.

Hidden Strengths Support Ministry, Inc.
| PH: 202.372.7716 |
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